Eqqus coaching is a continual journey with growing interest and advancements. This page is the beating heart of my continued research with insights from around the world, upcoming national events, workshops and more.
Pictures from the Barn, News & Events, Articles of Interest, Recommended Reading, Videos, Social Media and More…
Charlie and Butterscotch Work on Some Obstacles Together
I’ll demonstrate techniques to use in a session and show how spontaneous the experience is with a horse... everytime... even your own horse!
This is a Partnership
You Both Get to Have Fun
Mutual Respect is Everything
Koelle Simpson's 2011 Ted Talk
Meet Your New Therapist. He's Wise, Compassionate...and Likes to Eat Hay
On a quiet California ranch, Koelle Simpson helps people confront their greatest fears and heal their deepest wounds—by asking them to enter a pen, hold very still, and allow a half-ton creature to guide them toward peace.
How horses perceive and respond to human emotion
A new study shows, for the very first time, that horses respond to human emotional cues by integrating the emotional value of the voice they hear with that of the facial expressions they see.
Horse Emotions: How Do Horses Show Affection
Can you tell if your horse feels frustrated, uncomfortable, or fearful? There are a few general ways horses show these emotions. If you have a horse, you’re likely familiar with them. Equally important to understanding these is the ability to know how they give and receive affection.
8 Breathing Exercises to Try When You Feel Anxious
If you feel breathless due to anxiety, there are breathing techniques you can try to alleviate symptoms and start feeling better.
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