Equine-assisted coaching for healing and empowerment



Powerful healing. Intimate discovery.

Horses have a keen ability to read what’s hidden within. By mirroring our energy, they bring our greatest fears and worries, both known, and unknown to the open and help lead clients and coaches through a powerful healing process. We build safeguards around our psyche that traditional therapies can’t always touch, but a horse's intuition pierces those protective walls by connecting with our innate energy. They sense anxiety, perceive pain, react to core sensitivities. Working with horses can help you overcome fear and translate confidence into everyday life while providing immediate feedback to guide therapy.

Equus coaching is a personal journey through self-awareness and empowerment with a powerful partner.


Visualize it and become one with the horse.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business, turn a hobby into something more, find the courage to battle your demons.  Coaching helps you visualize and seize upon the power within you to reach what you desire. The horse is your gentle giant that provides both the sanctuary and the spark to test your strength and create a path forward to reach your goals. 

Each session begins with a sit-down to establish needs, goals and benchmarks for success, followed by alone time in the arena with your horse. I observe and coach based on the cues that both you and your horse provide. If at any time you would like me to join you in the arena I am happy to do so. This is your time to engage and connect with the horse in an environment that best suits your needs. Once the session ends, we will put up your horse together and you will have some time alone with your partner before we meet for our wrap up chat. We will end by discussing what you observed in your session, how to transition that information into your everyday life, and what you would like to work on at your next session.


Watch Charlie talk about Equus Coaching and what to expect during a session



Hear what clients have to say about their equus experience

 People from all walks of life harness the power of equus coaching.

Hear the stories, walk in their shoes and visualize your journey.



“When you get somebody outside, magic will happen. It will only make you want to be better in every aspect of your life. What Charlie does is magical and real”


“For people who struggle in any way shape or form in a therapist’s office this is another way to prove themselves and try to figure themselves out.”


“It gives you the opportunity to release feelings. There's something about it that’s more freeing , it’s just a more organic, natural, calming experience.”


“I’m here to guide you. It’s an honest experience, just you and a horse – It’s a powerful connection and can yield amazing results.”

— Charlie Kuzmic



Coaching to Create a Connection


Creating a plan that works for you

 As your Equus Coach, my job is to curate a personalized plan that fits who you are and what you want to achieve. I listen to your needs, facilitate the connection between you and the horse, and guide you through your journey with a holistic approach to healing.



  • Coaching

    Working 1 on 1 with a horse, these Equus sessions empower you to overcome personal obstacles and build greater confidence.

  • Free Consultation

    In 30 minutes you'll learn about this unique form of 1 on 1 wellness coaching and if it's right for you.